Monday, April 22, 2013

Another great week!

My dear family,
It was so great to read all of your emails this week! I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to be part of such an incredible family. You are all such a strength to me.
Well, this week was pretty slow to be honest. We are trying to find more people to teach, with not much luck at all. At times I feel like Moroni did when he looked at the city of Nephihah and began to doubt because of the wickedness of the people. Sometimes I feel like there just isn't anyone here who will accept the gospel and it makes me so sad to see the wickedness of the people. I was reading in the Book of Mormon this week about the 1,000 stripling warriors and the miracles that occurred as a result of their faith. Right after Moroni receives the epistle from Helaman, telling him about the miracles that have happened, Moroni sees the wickedness of the people of Nephihah and doubts that they will be saved. I thought it was interesting that this verse was included about doubt. I have been thinking a lot about faith this week as I have been reading, Jesus The Christ. I don't think I ever really read the New Testament, besides when I was in seminary and every day my testimony is just expanding about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am learning more and more that faith is a principle of power. Every miracle performed by the Savior was conditional upon faith. The woman who touched the Savior's garment, had faith that if she could but touch him, she would be healed. And she was. The Savior didn't actually do anything to heal her- it was HER faith that healed her as she looked to the Savior. Isn't that cool to think about? This week I also learned why faith is compared to a mustard seed. A mustard seed is very small, but when planted it yields a pretty big bush/tree. There are other seeds which are smaller than a mustard seed but none of them grow to be very big when planted. So, just like the mustard seed, our faith can start out very small and grow to something marvelous! Dad, I loved what you said about planting a seed of faith. If we just let that faith work within us and not cast it out, it will begin to grow and we will know that it is good. I have seen that with many of my investigators. It's the ones who will believe, but not yet KNOW, that pray about it and let it work within them that believe and their testimonies grow and are strengthened. This week, we taught Ryan about the Restoration and we brought Hong with us to translate. It was so cool. I could kind of follow what she was teaching him, because I'm starting to pick up a couple words in chinese. Haha. When she taught about the Godhead, it finally clicked for him. He is still struggling with smoking, but he said that this week when he had a craving to smoke, he said a prayer and the desire when away but that two hours later he had the desire again and didn't pray and then smoked. Haha. So, we will keep working with him! I think he is really close to getting a baptismal date. We are also going to have Brother Thomas, our ward mission leader come and give him a blessing to help him stop smoking. We will also teach all the lessons to him again with Hong, just to make sure that he understands them all. I told my companion this week that sometimes I feel like I am serving a mission in China and not England, since we have mostly been teaching the chinese. Haha. It's good though. I am developing a love for the chinese people. This week Matt and Jerry had us over for dinner, and I was able to practice my chopstick skills again. :) We heard about the Boston Bombing on Tuesday, i think and it just made me so sad. These are definitely the last days. I am sure of it. I am so glad to hear that those people who are in our ward that were there are safe.
Well, family, thank you for all that you do for me! Pray for us this week that we will be led to those people who are prepared to hear the gospel.
I love you all,
Sister Jensen
The first picture is me pointing at the mailbox, where I deposit all the letters I send home :) The second picture is of a dessert that this cute member in our ward made for me and my companion. My companion was having a rough day and we went over to get a blessing from Brother Thomas. They invited us to stay for dinner and Sister Thomas brought that out for dessert. It was so cute.

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