Monday, March 17, 2014

Fabulous week

Dear Family & Friends!
Another fabulous week in the mission field! (I know I say that every week, it's true, and I just can't be bothered to come up with a more clever way of introducing my email!) Anyways! Rundown of the week...
Monday: P-day! It was the first Pday in ages that I actually got to take a nap! It was wonderful. I think I slept for two hours. We also did our emailing, grocery shopping, and cleaned the car! Later that night we stopped by some potential investigators, did some finding in city centre and also dropped of some flowers to the Relief Society president.
Tuesday: It was a CRAZY day! We had 8 lessons lined up and only half of them went through! haha. But that is pretty normal. We taught our friend Artu. He's the one from Poland. SUCH a nice guy. He's been here for only a month and his English is already great. He's looking for a job here so he goes to the library every day for like 4 hours just to study English. We met with this crazy guy Mark at IKEA. He classified himself as a Pagan/heathen and told us some REALLY interesting things. haha. He brought a couple pieces of paper that he printed off about Mormons and had us look over it to see if it was right. It was pretty accurate actually but got into some deep dodge. haha. So that was interesting. We also met with Flori! She's such a sweet lady. So she's romanian and friends with Kristina, our other investigator. She's gone through some really hard things lately. She's studying at the University to be a lawyer so she's really busy. But we got to teach her about the Restoration and it went really well. She loved the lesson and said we could come back anytime. We also taught Leevoy for the first time. He's chinese and he's hilarious. His english is fantastic so it's really easy to teach him. He's studying sports right now and says he's the only chinese person in his whole class. He loves to talk to the Elders about football. It was a great day! I love teaching.
Wednesday: We had to leave really early in the morning to get to the mission office for leadership council. Elder Teixeira and his wife were there to give us some training. It was SO brilliant. I took about 4 pages of notes in one hour. He talked a lot about how our area needs to be the model for other missionaries and that when you're a leader everything that you do and say COUNTS. He also asked us if we want to be good leaders? Of course we said, yes! Then he said, well then you need to be a good teacher! And to be a good teacher you need to be a good finder! That hit me pretty hard and motivated me to be a better finder. Well, we had to leave  the mission office pretty quickly after the meeting because they were having a zone conference right after. We went back to Coventry, grabbed some lunch and then went to city centre. We had a lesson with a guy Andy. He's a young adult.. interesting lad. Told us that he doesn't believe in good or bad. So we've got lots of work to do with him! We had a lesson with Angel after that. Carol came and helped us teach the plan of salvation! It was so great. She was like asking us in the lesson, "can i teach that part?" it was so cute. haha. We had a DA after that and then ward coordination.
Thursday: We did LOTS And LOTS of fnding in city centre! We had basically from 10:00 am- 5:00 pm of just talking to people on the street. I think six months ago I would have totally been hating it but it was actually really fun. Sister Hanks and I have been working on how to enjoy finding. The Elders are really good at it. They just love to talk to people. The Zone Leaders let us borrow their recorder and we got to do some interviews to random people on the street. It was great. We interviewed this one guy, Matthew, and we asked him, "If you could ask God one question, what would you want to know?" He thought about it for a bit, then said, "I'd want to ask him what my Dad is doing right now." We found out that his Dad had died. After the interview we talked to him a bit more about it and about the Plan of Salvation and we got his contact details and a return appointment. It was SO cool. We taught Sarah later that night. She is AMAZING!!!! We basically just brought a baptismal calendar and said, Well, you wanted us to prepare you for baptism so when do you want to get baptised? At first, she said April 26th, haha then I pulled the card, "I hope I'll be here! I could be transferred..." (which was a genuine concern) and she said, "no! You have to be here! When is the latest we could do it and you'll still be here? So we set her on a date for April 12th!!!! Then, she was like, "Should we see if Kristina wants to do it that day too??" We were like, uh yes!! So she calls Kristina right there and puts her on speaker phone and says, "I'm sitting here with the sisters... How do you feel about baptism on April 12th?" Haha, and Kristina just responded, "Sarah, I already told you I wanted to do it! So yeah! Go on then, let's do it!" It was SOOOO exciting!! We were all screaming and laughing. hahaha. We taught Sarah a lesson that night too and it was a great ending to our day.
Friday: ZONE CONFERENCE! I love these! We had to leave pretty early because it was in Leicester and we had to pick up the Elders on the way. Elder Teixeira and his wife gave us some more training and it was SO good. He talked about improving our spiritual communication and also how our mission isn't just to save the people we teach, but it's preparing us to save our future children and families. One of my favourite things he talked about was the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. He likened it to our areas in the mission and how we need to make the difference in the area and take what it offers and double it. After Zone Conference we went on exchanges. I stayed with Sister Urbani (she's from France) in Coventry . We did some finding that night and came in for dinner!
Saturday: We were supposed to have lessons in the morning... but they all flogged. :( It's okay though, we got to do some more finding and we met some awesome people! We swapped back in the afternoon and then had a lesson with Kristina. We talked to her about baptism and taught her the first half of the plan of salvation. The spirit was SO strong and she kept getting chills! It was great. We really challenged her to read the BOM and pray about it so she can be ready for her baptism. We had a dinner later that night with the Itota family. They are from Nigeria but have lived here for about 8 years. They took us out to a buffet restaurant and it was SO packed. In total the dinner appointment was about 2 1/2 hours! Haha normally they should be only 1 hour, but it was out of our control so we were just thankful for them. I almost felt like I was in America when I was inside the restaurant. Tons of food, tons of people! haha.
Sunday: Another amazing Sunday! We got to give a presentation in Primary about the resurrection and it was so fun being with all the little kiddies. We also had an awesome gospel principles class. We role played the war in heaven. After church we had lunch and then went to do service. After service we went to a Dinner Apointment with Bishop's family. They are SO incredibly British. Super dry and sarcastic sense of humour. It was fun though. They asked us for our addresses and typed it in to google earth. I got to see the house!! It was SOOOO weird! Everything lookes so so so so so HUGE and open. It's weird how i've just adjusted to how compact everything is here. The streets are so small you usually have to pull over to the curb to let cars pass you before moving on. And i've really grown to love roundabouts! I'm not looking forward to driving in America again! Well, after dinner we did some finding in city centre, and met two guys from Camaroon that we'll start teaching this week! Then we had call-ins and companionship study. It was SUCH a great week! I got to hear from Sister Muller who went home this week and it makes me really nervous to ever come home! I have really grown to love England and the people here. I love my mission and it is such a joy to be in the service of God. There is no happier lifestyle.
Thank you for all your love and support! I love you all so much!

Love, Sister Jensen

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